Advanced Blemish Removal & Reduction

Advanced Blemish Removal & Reduction

What is advanced blemish removal and reduction?

Advanced blemish removal treatments using electrolysis. A wide range of skin blemishes can be treated easily and effectively, with minimal skin reactions, downtime and post treatment care. Thereby offering you a safe and proven route to improved skin.

What can be treated?


These are permanently dilated capillaries. They have very thin walls constantly dilate and constrict. As we age, these vessels lose their elasticity and can become permanently dilated. There are numerous causes including: ageing, sun damaged, hereditary, pregnancy, physical trauma (e.g. injury to the skin), exposure to harsh weather, hormonal changes and skin fragility.


Bright red, superficial and circular vascular blemishes. These are often dome shaped or slightly raised and are frequently found on the midriff. Most people ages over 30 have at least one and they are often more common in men than women.


A Spider Naevus consists of a central dilated blood vessel, with smaller capillaries radiating from it like legs of a spider. They can be found in isolation or gathered together in clumps ob area such as the cheeks or chest.


Skin Tags are mainly found in areas of friction such as the underarm, groin, under the breasts or around the neck where necklaces and collars irritate. They often appear with a stalk attachment, like a mushroom and vary in size from smaller than a grain of uncooked rice, to the size of a large pea or even larger.


These are tiny, white, hard spots which lie superficially under the skin and which contain keratin. Their cause is unknown although they are often associated with dry, dehydrated skin.


Moles respond extremely well to Advanced Blemish removal as the treatment is highly effective in reducing the size and visual appearance of the mole and if pigmented often lightning it too. WARTS

There are various types of warts including plane, common, filiform and verrucas, all can be easily and successfully treated using aesthetic electrolysis. These types of warts can develop individually or in clusters and are highly contagious.


Although these look as though they may be part of the warts family they are not. They are very common on the head, face, back and limbs and are associated mainly with increasing age, mature skins and sun damage. They also have genetics links. Growing up to two inches wide, they are often dry, crusty and considered cosmetically unattractive.


This is a common papular disorder which often develops on black skin and is identified by smooth, dome shaped, brown to black papules seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest.


Hairs in moles can also be treated and once treatment has started the mole may even reduce in size and colour. These hairs are generally very deep hairs with a rich blood supply which require repeat treatments.

Please ask for advice on these additional treatable skin conditions:

  • Age Spots/ Pigmentation
  • Marks
  • Campbell de Morgan/Cherry Angiomas
  • Molluscum Contagiosum
  • Sebaceous Cysts
  • Sebaceous Hyperplasia
  • Syringoma
  • Verrucas
  • Xanthelasma

How long is treatment and how many will I require?

 These treatments often offer instantaneous results but the length of treatment very much depends on your specific blemish and skin condition. However the area of concern must not be over treated and you skin reactivity will be taken into account. Spacing techniques and treatment intervals will be carefully considered in your treatment plan as well a tout requirements, needs and wishes.

How are moles treated?

The mole is not completely removed from the dermis but it’s appearance above the skin is visibly reduced. Using high frequency energy the fluid in the mole is dehydrated resulting in a decrease in size often level with the surface of the skin. As well as being smaller and flatter they often become lighter too making them even less noticeable.

How are Seb K’a treated?

There are a number of techniques that can be used depending on your Seb K’S size and age; all involve lifting and releasing the blemish from the skin, cauterising it with high frequency energy in a gentle slicing motion to lift and remove the keratosis.

Will my blemishes return?

The treated blemish should not return but others met occur depending on the root cause. Your aesthetic electrologist will advise you during your consultation.

Aftercare instructions

Following your treatment you may experience:

  • Redding, swelling and sensitivity of the skin in the area for up to 48 hours.
  • The treated area and surrounding skin may feel hot for up to 48 hours.
  • Pin dot crusts or small scabs may appear in the treated area. • The skin may itch as the healing process takes place.

Following treatment ensure that you adhere to the aftercare instructions to avoid unwanted reactions/infections:

  • Pin dot crusts or scabs may appear which seal the skin and prevent infection.

  • These must not be rubbed or picked off, as to do so may result in scaring.
  • The crusts or scabs are tiny and often are 'felt' rather than 'seen' • Do not touch, rub or irritate the treated area.
  • When washing and cleansing around the area, use a gentle soap or perfume free cleanser and gently pat the area dry to avoid dislodging and crusts or scabs.
  • Avoid activities for 48 hours that stimulate blood flow following vascular treatments, e.g. exercise, hot showers, hot baths, hot spicy foods and alcohol.
  • Avoid activities for 48 hours that may irritate or dislodge any crusts or scabs, e.g. swimming, saunas, steam rooms, facial steaming, facial scrubs, waxing and other beauty treatments until the area has completely healed.
  • Do not fly within 48 hours following a vascular treatment.
  • You must keep out of UV light completely during the healing process and as much as possible thereafter.
  • Once healed, cover and protect sun exposed areas using a good quality, high factor sunscreen at all time, particularly in the summer months.
  • Avoid the possible causes of vascular blemishes, for example, wearing tight fitting glasses, squeezing spots, careless or erratic tweezing or blowing nose too vigorously.
  • Avoid using any possible skin sensitisers or irritants such as perfumes, fake tan products or perfumed body lotions until skin is healed.
  • Soothing aftercare products can be used. Such as aloe vera gel or witch hazel gel.

Should you have any concerns regarding you treatment please contact the clinic.