Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing addresses the psychic and spiritual aspects of illnesses where an illness is seen as energy in an inappropriate place or in a form of a blockage. Shamanic Healing aims to remove these energy blockages and retrieve the lost soul parts in order to restore the balance so that the person can be spiritually restored once again.

Healing happens when something in a person shifts or transforms to a better place. Transformation can happen on so many different levels, such as: emotional, spiritual, physical, mental, etc. Healing can only happen if the person is in a safe and loving place which is always present in my work. I always invite spirit helpers of a person, so that they are there to assist me and the customer in this work. By summoning these spirit helpers, they help to repair a soul, so that the person may then experience real, physical healing in the earth realm.

Spirit helpers can be anything the person feels connected to, such as: ancestors, native people, animals, angels and more.

I use my own handmade Shamanic Drum and Shamanic Rattles.

I sometimes uses Crystals and Singing bowl.

I used Sacred Burning Herbs to clear your energy and embrace your aura.

Allow 2 Hours for your first appointment, including your consultation.

Cost: £130 for a 1:1 appointment Follow up appointments.

1 hour Cost: £85 for a 1:1 appointment